Yea I literally just walked into the Apple Store with my boyfriend in hopes to buy a MacBook. We walked in with 10 minutes till close... Knowing what we wanted to buy and all the accessories that we wanted to get with it. We literally weren't even going to take 10 minutes. The only thing that would possibly take the longest would be ringing us up! We knew when the store was closing and we both have worked in the service industry... So we get it! Staying later after hours is sometimes a pain in the ass. But no one even bothered to come up and great us! Not only that, every employee stared at us and there were only 3 employees with customers and the rest of them were just talking amongst each other and glaring. I was appalled. I know the feeling of wanting to get off work so badly and only having 5-10 min until you lock the gates. But when a customer walks in and it's not that time yet to lock up the doors then personally I help anyone that walks in before close even when there a minute till. Because just like tonight I know how it feels to just be ignored on purpose and not even be greeted or asked if we have questions or what we are looking for-or-if we are looking for anything in particular.... And if we are just looking to look at what they have then maybe you should let us know nicely that "oh okay, well just to let you know we are closing at 9pm so if you have any questions before then I'll be right here." But since all of those people that were working tonight sucked and defiantly didn't give good or even ok service.... My boyfriend and I will never come to this location again even when it's the closest one to us.... We don't mind driving an extra 30 minutes just to get better service.