A co-worker continuously talks about this place, then one day he convinced me to go. I will agree with everyone else and say at first glance, it didn't look like the business. The smell of the fish pond was dungy and the buffet looked like it hasn't been touched in hours. The sides (appetizers) looked horrendous and the taste fit the description. The meat at least appeared to be well-maintained and fresh. I attacked the bacon first! Now the bacon was thick, juicy, and fatty. They way bacon should always be. The beef was so-so. Nothing spectacular about it. It tasted like a 3-star quality beef. Warning: Stay away from the marinated beef! It looked like it has been sitting there for days. We tried the frozen beef and mystery meat, I don't know why he made that decision? It was just wrong in every way. Who dares putting paper-thin frozen meat on a hot grill? And who serves it?...So I'm about to tap out then they bust out with the short ribs! Now why? Why? So late in the game they throw in the superstar! It was fresh, marbleized, and delicious! If they had this out from the beginning it may have changed my whole outlook of this place. I would've given it a single star if it weren't for the short ribs. For the price, it's worth trying once but that's probably about it, just once. And during that one time -- try the short ribs.