| - I need to share this story because I have had such horrible depression ever since my experience at Goodman and partridge. First of all, I am a 25 year old woman who was raised in a very conservative family and I have only had two sexual partners. I went to this practice because I had a rash on my thigh and thought I might have bacteria vaginosis or something. Anyway, the doctor looked at my rash and told me that she had seen this many times and told me that in her expert opinion I most likely had genital herpes. She told me I could do a culture on the rash but it was a waist of money because she was fairly certain it was herpes. Well as you can imagine I was devastated and had to pay out of pocket for the test which cost like $200 because I didn't want to run the risk of my parents seeing I did a herpes test on my insurance. To add insult to injury, she told me my boyfriend most likely knew he had it and had lied to me, she also advised me to break up with him my saying " if I were in your shoes I would definitely break up with him. " Then I told her I still lived at home with my parents and she asked " do your parents see how you dress?" Clearly she thought I was someone who was promiscuous who deserved herpes. She also prescribed me an off brand of valtrex so that I could get my outbreak to clear up. Anyways, after leaving and crying in a car for 6 hours I went and filled the prescription, went home and didn't leave my house for a week because I had such horrible depression over the news. Then the following week I went in for a follow up exam and my " test results had gotten contaminated" because air got into the culture. She said I wouldn't be able to do another one until I had symptoms again. So I waited for another out break to go back. In the mean time I would stay up night after night making Reddit posts asking people advice on how to deal with my horrible depression because my boyfriend knowingly gave me herpes. I say knowingly because to doctor told me that he " most likely knew that he had it and if he said otherwise he was probably lying". I waited six months to confront my boyfriend because I was insecure and felt like the accusations would cause a fight and he would break up with me and I would just be a sad single girl who's ex plagued her with herpes. My boyfriend handled the news really well and was really calm about it, he said he had never had any symptoms and was so sorry if he accidentally gave me a STD but didn't think he had one bc he had been tested. Well a year passed I never had outbreaks but the depression wouldn't go away. I felt dirty and depressed and resentful towards my boyfriend. I also hated myself. I finally decided to break up with him because I couldn't cope with him knowingly or unknowingly giving me herpes. I told him the reason and he freaked out and went and got tested and guess what, he didn't have type one or type two herpes. So I went and got a blood test and I didn't have it either. I know I sound like a crazy person bc I should have gotten a blood test all along but because the doctor prescribed me medicine and told me she was fairly positive i had it, I just didn't want to pay money for bad news. I guess I'm only making this post because it's therapeutic and I needed to get it off my chest. I didn't mention the doctor by name because even though I know she judged me, misdiagnosed me, almost ruined my relationship, and caused me to experience horrible self hatred and depression for over a year and a half, i don't feel it's necessary to oust her and I don't want to make this too personal. I admire doctors and know that she is probably a very nice person who cares for her patients but I think that for some reason she just judged me and misdiagnosed me. I hope other patients have a better experience than I did.