I'm actually writing this while sitting in the chair. I called this morning just hoping to find a good eye dr as I've not had an exam in forever and have had some issues lately in one eye to maybe schedule something next few weeks, I indicated that I have had pink eye even though I've been treated and they said they had a cancellation today and to come on in although I've been on antibiotic eye drops. I get there and wait more than an hour and was told that I was a fit in appointment but that's not what I was told when I called in, I was told I was filling a spot that was a cancelled appointment. So ok I deal... after an hour I'm lead back, at this point my husband has had to leave work to get our child at school as I waited for so long, the nurse doesn't have the best people skills that's ok. The dr comes in and is so busy talking to his assistant that he ignores what I'm saying, barely says anything to me. Put drops in my eyes and gives me a handout on pink eye and says that mine looks not bad at all like its improving but an additional steroid would help and to stay on my current antibiotic.Mean time I'm waiting for him to come back to look in my dilated eye the staff is talking bad about each other and the dr and starting drama. I'm supposed to come back in a week... not sure about that. He did actually look in my eye so I suppose that's good, to make sure no bacteria was in there.
Also an area of concern to me was that none of them wore gloves. I did see the nurse wash her hands frequently but still no gloves.Granted I've not been to an eye dr in a very long time so I'm not sure if that's standard anymore(I'd think it would be).
Prob won't go back here. I don't enjoy hearing office drama while waiting and I also don't enjoy being told one thing then being told another. I know what a fit in appointment is and had I been told that initially I wouldn't have been able to come.