My sister and I wanted to get an afternoon snack and we were lucky to find a Cacao 70 near our hotel. The menu is full of chocolate decadence, but also has a few options for people like myself who are not so much into chocolate.
There were plenty of tables available at 3PM and we were seated promptly. My sister ordered a triple chocolate pizza and I ordered the Crepe Suzette. My sister was sooo happy eating up the chocolate pizza and my one bite of it was quite good.
Now the Crepe Suzette. The menu said that it was alcoholic but I figured that the alcohol was going to be reduced away during the cooking of it. When it arrived to the table, I was a bit confused. It was a square crepe with a side of vanilla ice cream and a side of the sauce (or so I assumed). I kind of shrugged and poured the sauce over the crepe. I took a bite and my eyes popped wide open. It was straight up Grand Marnier! I probably had the same look on my face as that one time my dad had accidentally taken a shot of Grand Marnier when he thought he was finishing up a taste of Port.
Ultimately really liked the crepe Suzette. I cut out strips of the crepe, added some ice cream and Grand Marnier and rolled the crepe over before eating, which gave me a really great bite of everything.