I don't like to leave negative reviews but O'Reilly cost me 8 hours of time. My small Prius battery failed and so I figured I could replace it myself that day instead of waiting a few with an online ordered battery and save some money doing it myself. I was sold a defective Prius battery that also didn't come with the appropriate adapter for the vent tube. The men working Sunday night gave me an adapter that was not a fit for the battery and in the end they shrugged and said they had no ideas. I got some help from the gentleman at the O'Riley on 19th Ave about the vent tube but their supply chain failed to provide the appropriate adapter as well. After I installed the battery anyway my Prius wouldn't start because the battery the sold me was bad. I had to jump it and now my mechanic is handling everything. I talked to the store manager Francisco and the district manager Jose but the best the could offer were some discounts and a 20$ gift card. Unfortunately this doesn't fix their supply chain or really compensate for my time, effort, or lyft fare. I don't recommend buying a Prius battery from here.