I had been waiting to check out Sweet Salvage for months now but always missed when they would be open! It's a little disappointing that they're only open the 3rd weekend of the month but finally, this past Sunday I got to check this place out..and it was well worth the wait!
First of all, this place is immaculately decorated! Definitely photo worthy. This past Sunday was Christmas themed and I wasn't even mad about it considering next week is Thanksgiving. I think it also was due to the combination of the free apple cider, cookies and holiday music! It's impossible to not be in the spirit.
I loved browsing around and ogling at all of the beautiful furniture and trinkets. I ended up finding some vintage coupe glasses that I had been searching for and a squirrel to be used with my Christmas decorations..
Yes, the prices are a little high and it seems as though you can't put things on layaway or shop online, however this place is well worth checking out for the experience alone! I'm sure there's a treasure for everyone in that shop.