I have a few tattoos but the two Anthony has done on me are my favorite and most meaningful. He's got a great eye for color and design. I trusted Anthony while still apprenticing because knowing him personally I know he's a perfectionist and I would get nothing less than perfection. We must have laid out my forearm piece 5 times until he felt it was absolutely right. I'm so proud of him and honored to have him in my circle of friends. When I first met him he showed me a painting he had done and was asking my opinion being a painter myself. It was amazing and I always encouraged him to do more. I had no idea that he was thinking of tattooing. But if there's one person that is doing what he is supposed to be doing in life it's Timebomb. I love you duder and hope to make it to the AZ for some more work. Grape Ape! Although I don't have any work by her I've seen examples and it's impeccable. These two are great partners in life, love and business. I miss them dearly.