| - So this place does have some good deals, but is absolutely shady. There are obviously planted people to
1). Drive up the price
2). To "win" the auction, to allow them to auction it again at a later auction.
For the record, I do not have that from an inside source rather just what I've witnessed. I saw an absolutely beautiful and unique bedroom set get sold for $900, I could not believe someone got such a price. . . Well, lo and behold it was up for auction again the very next week. (Where it sold for quite a bit more.)
Another time there was an item that I had seen and was interested in but I had to leave the auction. Well, I heard from someone who was there that they tried to auction off the item after I left and literally no one bid on it.
I contacted the auction and was told they would be willing to sell it for a reasonable price that we both agreed upon. The next Saturday I go to pay for the item and am being told that they have to try and auction it off. I'm not at all happy but I really wanted it. So they start the bidding and I'm bid right up to $50 over where we agreed by a bidder I couldn't find in the crowd. I'm okay with it because I still feel I got the deal of a lifetime on it, but just the practice really turned me off.
I did get nearly an entire house full of new furniture for under $2,000 the first time I went there, furniture I still have, use and get compliments on regularly.
I'll keep going to the auction, but I definitely feel like it you vs. the other bidders vs. the auction itself.