Ohhhhh My... I tweet to LA Fitness literally EVERY OTHER DAY and get zero response. Ive called Corp Customer Service and get nothing but someone saying "oh, thats a great idea" but no direction on how to make this come to fruition. I would have given 3.5 out of 5 Stars ((For This Location ONLY))
Here it goes- LA Fitness has opened 2 new location approx 5 miles apart. I have spoken to the 20 to 30 customers that come into the Northern Ave location at 5am Monday thru Friday and asked if they would benefit if the club would open earlier (4am or 430 am) All said yes!! There is consistantly a group of us who are outside waiting for the doors to open.
Again, LA Fitness- you have built 2 clubs within 5 miles of each other. Your customers have a need... You have other clubs that open early.. The demand is here. One of these clubs needs to open earlier.
I go to the Northern location but would travel to the 7th ave and Camelback location gladly if it opened at 4 or 430.
I am not here to complain that when I do go into LA Fitness, that at 5am, the windows on the doors are gross with smears of sweat and grime from the night before. Im not complaining that once when I called customer service asking about the possibility of opening earlier, I was told that the club must be closed for at least 4 hours for cleaning and repairs- however the cleaner is always starting wiping down the treadmills and elipticals at 5 am. I know this because the cleaners used are very strong and when I am running it is hard to breath.
No, I am not complaining about that... I have been a member of La Fitness for over 7 years... I am not complaining about how the Men's locker room/showers and Sauna's have been used over the years as the 'hook up' places for gay men ((just take a look at craigslist in the personals)) but for some reason it's widely accepted. Im not looking to complain about Gissell who is a yoga instructor (sat mornings at Northern location) that litterally just sits crosslegged and reads yoga poses off a piece of paper (while chewing gum) insane!!
I just avoid those areas... it doesnt bother me. It just makes sense for them to open either an hour or half hour earlier during the week. So many people that have to work in the mornings would like to get thier workout on just a bit earlier.
I am going to start asking other long time members to post on here... perhaps then they will take notice.
Thanks for your time.