I was injured on the job and my work comp sent me to this place even though I wanted to go to Desert Ortho. I brought in my MRI films and the receptionist told me that I had to have my x rays from when I first got hurt I told her that if that was the case then they could have Concentra send them over she said well we are going to have to take new xrays and I told no your not . I have my MRI's and if the Doctor tells me I need them then I will but I am not because you say so. She got an attitude about that. but when I saw the Dr. I did not need to have the x rays.
I asked to get a new brace and the dr was ok with that and gave me a script for it I asked his staff where to get it and they sent me to a place in the same building that all they wanted to do was get me into a more expensive unneeded brace
Getting the clearence for the surgery was a lot easier than it is trying to get the staff to listen. Dr Ashman is great but his staff needs some big lessons on how to handle people.
I told his "NURSE" (and I use the term loosley) that I can not have dr apointments on Tuesday or Thrursdays due to family issues and she scheduled my follow up appointment for the exact time that we have to have my father in law at dyialisis. She asked if I was allergic to Codean and I said no but I am alergic to Vicadean(???). They gave me a script for Loratabs and it turns out Loratabs has the same main active ingrediate that Vicodean does. This was pointed out by my pharmasist and i checked it out.
The nurse said that all they could give me would be ibprophen or I could just take the LoraTabs and see what happens. I went and talked with my Pharmasist again and he did what he was suppose to which is refuse to fill it. I called back and this time I was not happy with the Nurse so I went over her head and I talked with a supervisor that put me in touch with the one person I did not want to talk to.
I told the nurse that I was done dealing with her and that she needed to have Dr. Ashman call me and she promptly told me he was not in the building and I told her have him call me end of discussion and I hung up. Not ten minutes later My work comp worker was on the phone and when I explained the whole situation she understood and said she would deal with it.
Nevada Ortho does not care about patient well being nor do they care about having staff that does things the right way. All they care about is the almighty dollor and doing things their way and if you buck the system they make things very hard on you.