Okay so I thought the bad experiences I've had from this company was isolated to their Eastern Ave location but I was wrong! So I ordered my lunch in advance through Eat 24 I get there and I wait a long time before
i am even greeted, finally the waitress tells me she will be with me in a minute. finally waiting a total of about 15 mins give or take the waitress asks how she can help me. I advise her I have a eat 24 order, she then picks up a piece of paper and say's oh i have not have time to enter it we have been busy. So im confused they can get the printed paper from the fax or copy machine and sit it next to the register but they can't enter my order? So I ask how long is it going to take she says about 10 mins. So i wait about 20 min's finally get my salad, now i am annoyed because I am going to have to scarf down the food back at work before i have to get back to my desk with all the time they have taken. I get no sorry's or anything from the 2 waitresses, then the Chef who has nothing to do with orders being entered apologized to me for the wait and that they were out of Carrots so I'm like at lease someone has good customer service skills and feel better walking out. Then when I get back to work the other shoes drops! I open my Salad and check the bag, I have no salad Dressing!!! Now I am back at work, no Salad dressing so i have to eat a dry salad and the chicken was over cooked. I am so disappointed in this company, I can't say location because it's more than one. I am really thinking about a long letter to their corporate headquarters, When I lived in Missouri i was such a fan because their service and food was amazing