| - Even as I write this, I think I'm barfing a little in my mouth.
Everyone goes through those moments in their lives where sometimes you think you're crazy. The proliferation of Smoke's outlets has caused my own personal, "WTF, what the Hell is wrong with everyone?!" state.
Have people forgotten what good French fries taste like? Do people not know that gravy shouldn't be sweet or glossy and transparent looking? I mean, I could understand people not being familiar with the fact that one of the things that signifies great poutine is cheese curds that "squeak", but come on, seriously, Smoke's???
So, I have tried multiple locations, just to make sure it's not just this one, and sure enough, they are ALL this bad. [holds mouth closed; cheeks expanding]
Where do I begin?
The fries - soggy, too starchy, not seasoned separately - really, how hard is it to make good fries?
The toppings - uninspired, of poor quality (bacon is simply gross), no squeak to the cheese curds
The gravy - what can I say other than "ew"? You don't make gravy with corn starch, which is obviously what they use as a thickener, and the fact that it's the colour it is should be a red (or light brown diarrhea-ey) flag to anyone who comes here. Gravy made from real beef stock should be dark and rich, gravy from chicken or vegetable stock should be light brown, but NOT TRANSLUCENT like this slime is.
People need to stop eating at this chain so that better places can take their spots. Trek westward to Poutini's House of Poutine if you want better, or even walk over to the nearest KFC, Harvey's or Burger King, for that matter!
[full on barfing]