I'm ambivalent about Saving Gigi these days.
I knew this place when it first opened a few years ago. It's food, coffee, and service was worse, but there were less clientele and it felt like a cool, secret lil' spot.
Now, it's revamped and has new ownership. The food and coffee are far better but it doesn't feel comfy anymore (definitely no longer a place to sit for hours to do work...)
That said, Christian and Amelia are lovely lovely people who do their best to keep their customers happy. Introduce yourself. They will chat you up and make you feel at home. It is only because of them that I I've forgotten I wasn't in my living room and left without paying!
In summation: points for neighbhorhood appeal, food, and coffee, demerits for increased hipsterdom and crowdedness...
ALSO the wi-fi there is shakey at best