| - Formerly Tap Out...The House of Ryu sounds like something out of Street Fighter. Attending the second Smoker Event for amateur and exhibition fights held monthly. I think this is getting big quick. There are fight clubs coming down from California to Hawaii. Everyone there seems to be pretty cool, less than a 1/10 ratio of conceited fools that need to get they ass beat, j/k...or maybe not =/.
The gym is huge and provides a heavy bags, weight room, boxing ring, MMA cage/mats, weight training, locker rooms and much more. The last Smoker Event, if its even still called that from the Tap Out days...also had the Sausage Fest truck roll through to cater. Parking can be grueling considering its a huge lot and most other businesses are closed, but hey.
Other than that, met some staff and all seem to be good people. Hopefully, I will be able to participate in an event in the near future...we shall see.