| - What? Ultra is closed? Nooooooyeesss!
I used to walk by this nightclub at night during my teenage years and peer with curiosity at the crowd standing outside of Ultra. Now that I have enough money to dress like the douchebag men & women here, I participate in the foolishness of Ultra Supper Club.
I used to think this place was called LUSH, because it's attached to the store with that sign, but I learned this was not true shortly after discovering hygiene.
The people who frequented here are absolutely the most pretentious & idiotically dressed people in all of Toronto. Everybody thinks they're either Baptiste Giabiconi or Kate Moss, in their stupid stupid costumes which wouldn't pass as fashion in the furtherest corner of the Universe. It really is atrocious, if this were a retail outlet and they were the models, it would be called Style Senseless. Utterly laughable.
The venue itself on the ground floor features a elevated VIP section, a dancefloor which can be converted to a stage/half runway for Fashion Week--which I find to be highly ironic, and a semi-outdoor area that serves as an empty space for the purposes of nothing. The ground floor level theme is black.
Upstairs is a slightly more tolerable patio with couches, tables seating, and bar stools. It overlooks a beautiful...parking lot. The only good view of Queen Street is blocked off by the bar. The upstairs theme is white.
Oh I get it...the theme of Ultra is; Heaven & Hell....although I think it's more like; IKEA + Hell.
The only reason I come here is to replenish my blackberry of six foot tall women, as there are always a good amount of said beasts strutting about. The most exciting thing about Ultra is the outside area. Expensive cars parallel parked next to the scores of moderately good looking women who don't own them. The line girl with the clipboard pretending that she is actually doing something, and the weirdo Queen Street natives who look on at the party goers with envy as I once stupidly did.
I hope the real estate is turned into something another condo...