| - Your average outside mini mall.. Typical stores that you'd see in any major shopping area.. American Eagle, Journey's, Target, Old Navy, Best Buy etc.. Have a Movie theatre which I've never been in but looking a the number of people outside of it, its probably always packed..
Restaurants.. they have some decent chains and some ones I've never heard of.. Slices, Chipotle, Dave and Busters, Some steak/BBQ places and a mixture of everything else..
I've never really been there for much.. The thing I like about it is that it is good for quick shopping.. Going to a regular mall can take forever, going to Tempe Market, If one of the shops is one you need to go to this place has so much parking and ins and outs, makes it so much easier..
So more or less it is good for quick trips, to hang-out.. good if you are in high school or middle school..?