Stopped by for a short time for Cathy's UYE. It's an adorable place. They have a large bar in the middle and a bunch of tables that light up around the place. Cute!
I've never had soju before and Tien and Anthony had a TON of bottles for me to sample. The fruit flavored ones were delicioius. It has an almost bubblyness to it and I enjoyed that A LOT!
April had the shrimp with mayo....2 things. I would never think to deep fry shrimp and then toss with mayo and OF COURSE April got a dish with mayo in it, Anyway, I thought it was DELICIOUS. And I didn't even taste it fresh. It wasn't cold necessarily, but it wasn't warm either and it was so good. I will definitely come back to this place. And most likely try Aprils' dish.
They have huge TV's playing K-POP, HELLO! That is so awesome. I really like KPOP even though I dont know a word or a song. It's just so catchy.
And how absolutely fantastic is it that an elite event is coming here for this place. WOOOOOO HOOOOOO. Me's in my glory!
Check this place it. Very cool!