I not a fan of walmart. Do, I do try and avoid them unless I have no choice. With all walmarts having, universal issues. This walmart is not the exception to the rule. With my #1 compliant being how they only have a few checkout lanes open, while having very long lines. Who wants to spend a long time in a line? I understand that they want to save money buy hiring few workers to do the job of many, but it is done at the customers expence as well.
Employees are often difficult to find when I need help looking for something. And at this store, it would seem many who work the floor don't speak English. Ether that, or they pretend not to so that they don't need to help.
They have a guy in a wheelchair who asks to see peoples receipts when ever the door alarm goes off. A receipt they never even bother actually looking at. Because, as everyone already knows, making everyone feel like they are being accused of stealing is good for business.
Employee's all look exhausted and overworked. That is unlesd they jus started working, then you may find a few who have a smile.
All in all. I will continue avoiding walmart, this one included.