Just tried this service out for a quick trip.
How it works:
-Pull in announced or create an account online and prepay/book.
-Hand over you vehicle still running and fill out a tag (about 10 sec).
-take a business card size receipt, grab your bags and jump on the shuttle.
-They ask you which airline and drive you to the closest door. Off you go....
- Upon arrival you send a text, call or email with the number off your small convenient business card size receipt. (Instructions, contact info are on it as well)
-Walk to outside pillar #3 and wait for shuttle (if it's not already there)
- hand over bags and pay with credit card right off drivers iphone. (Discounts with AMA card).
- driver informs you your receipt will be on the dash of your car
- arrive very quickly back at parking lot. Exit with your bags to your idling vehicle (window was open so no keys can be locked inside) 4 ways flashers were on.
- drive up to the exit gate and use the bar code to open the gate.
Total time each way was about 10mins (YMMV).
In reality you cannot find a spot in the economy lot and walk to the departure terminal faster than this...
These guys have service nailed down to a science. Well done gentlemen!!