Good but flawed!
I looked around for a while before I chose this dentist. Based on some good reviews and ratings, I tried them out. My experience in the last few years is lackluster at best.
- nice decor
- friendly staff
- massaging dental chairs
- TV with headphones to use during procedure
- If you try to cancel using anything other than a person to person call, you could face the threat of owing money. One weekend, I was very sick and they are closed on the weekend. I was hoping I would get better to not miss my Monday appointment but I wasn't getting better. My only options were email using the address on their site and calling to leave a message. They didn't like that and fussed at me. Then I get an automated happy birthday email. Lame.
- their parking garage is a bit hard to find and the spaces are tiny and few in number
- I was recently prescribed a medicine that cost much more than I was expecting. I had no choice and thought the dentist knew what they were doing. When I got it home, it stung like crazy and didn't fix what it was supposed to fix. I called the pharmacy who confirmed that the medicine prescribed was a different formula than what I was expecting--even thought the medicine has the same general name. The formula I was expecting cost about six times less than what I purchased. They told me to call the dentist. I did. They admitted no fault, would not pay for the cost of the mis-prescribed drug and would only call in a prescription for a different one. In other words it would cost me more money to fix the problem that shouldn't have cost me so much in the first place.
Overall, there's much to like about this place. But their attention to customer service details and fixing problems the right way will keep away a higher rating. Hopefully all you will ever need from these folks is a cleaning. That they can do.