| - OMG! WORST property mgmt co ever! So many things wrong, but Yelp only allows 5K characters, so I had to cut this review by more than half. This company is very property owner-UNfriendly!
*HIGH HIDDEN REPAIR MARKUPS. This is a must-read for existing customers. It is hidden b/c it is not disclosed anywhere in the contract, nor in any other shape or form. B&G issues their own in-house repair invoices w/o itemizing the materials & labor, so I never knew they were charging an add'l markup. I only discovered this deceptive billing practice after I asked for the name & # of a 3rd party contractor they sent out to work on my A/C unit. I had only wanted to speak w/ the technician b/c he had to come out twice in 4 mos, but when B&G refused to give me that info (seriously, it's my property, I pay for the services, but I don't have the right to know who you send out to work on my property? Something's fishy here...), I became suspicious & asked for the org. invoices as well. I finally got it after many frustrating weeks & I was completely floored to see a 25% markup! I reviewed my contract & nowhere did it state such a markup. I never would have hired them had I known they would tack on such a high overcharge.
I spoke w/ the property mgr & he defended the fees quite fiercely (as in raised & condescending tone). He said that EVERYBODY "does this" & that "of course" NOBODY discloses it. Actually, that is NOT true b/c I called several other companies & they either charge ZERO or only 2-5% for unsupervised work, or 10% for major work that requires supervision. This work was UNSUPERVISED! All you guys did was make some calls to schedule the appt. Isn't that what the monthly commissions I pay for part of? What the hell am I paying you guys every month for then? The mgr told me that I can't expect to get services for free! Excuse me, I just paid $900 on 2 repair jobs on the same A/C unit w/in 4 mos, what "FREE" services are you talking about? I wasn't even arguing about the cost of the repairs (although that in of itself was high), I'm just not thrilled that you tacked on another huge chunk of fees without ever informing me! 25% is WAY too high! INSIST ON GETTING A COPY OF ALL ORIGINAL INVOICES!
*POOR COMMUNICATION & CUSTOMER SERVICE. Communication w/ the people in this co is TERRIBLE. I like to communicate via email so that there's a written record of everything. Everybody I have ever tried to communicate w/, from the bottom all the way to the top, has ignored my emails at one point or another. I have had to either send multiple emails or finally put in a call in order to get a response. From what I gather, they play email & phone roulette. W/ emails, they will pass it on to someone else w/out ever CC'ing you, & nobody ends up responding or following up. W/ phone calls, if you ask to speak w/ a specific person, they'll cold drop your call to someone else b/c the person you asked for doesn't want to speak w/ you. This has happened several times & it is very UNPROFESSIONAL. And don't think you can take it up w/ the office manager; he's actually the worst!
I don't know how well they service the tenants, but I do know of one instance where my tenant made a repair request & I had approved the request the same day, but they didn't send somebody out until a MONTH later when the tenants called in w/ another problem. I DON'T WANT TO SEND THE TENANTS THE MESSAGE THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER IGNORES THEIR NEEDS OR NEGLECTS THE PROPERTY. Again, WTH am I paying you guys for?
*TOOK TOO LONG TO RENT OUT MY PROPERTY. The property mgr who marketed my property did a terrible job. W/ this mgr, my property sat vacant the longest & rented at the lowest rate. Prior to my moving out of state & having to hire out the mgmt, I rented out the property myself & it never took me as long to find a tenant nor at such a low rate. The quality of the photos were terrible; it looked like he either didn't know how to use a camera proficiently, or he just carelessly rushed through the job. The mgr was also not keeping up with the advertising. Based on my own personal success advertising on Craigslist, I expressed that it was very important that they do advertise on CL and that the ad not be allowed to expire. I checked CL on several occasions & my property was not listed at all. I kept emailing the mgr & he finally posted it--ONCE, but then let it expire & never reposted again, even after I made multiple requests. Prior to hiring them I had confirmed that they do advertise on CL, so I was not asking the mgr to do anything extra; I was just asking him to do his job. It did not seem he was very proactive at marketing my property.
I'm running out of space, but a final WARNING: They are starting a sister co named KINLEY PROPERTIES INC, probably to avoid the terrible reputation of their current company. Same owner & some of the same unreliable staff.