Quick, Professional, Great detail, Step by step review as well as a detailed report to download & keep for your records in a binder they provide. Painless & Efficient Process!
An inspection is just that - an inspection, they cant predict how long your AC will run once you move in, turn it to 34 degrees and never clean or maintain it... and they are not "experts" in every appliance, plumbing or electrical systems & pools... again - inspections... which is what they did...they even found a small leak in a bathroom drain, and labeled every outlet that needed GFCI or reversed polarity fixed - inside and outside the home. They took me into the attic to inspect it as well as walk the entire property to answer questions.
As an informed buyer I will take his inspection report and consult with a professional in each of the fields I am concerned with since an inspector shouldn't know how fix the items they find issues with (or they would be building the houses!).
Better than the inspector I had from my last home! Thanks!