Beware getting any deals you are offered as you are waiting in line at this car wash.. the guy that came up to my car.. said a great deal.. he would shampoo my carpets and seats and scotch guard them all while throwing in the works carwash all for $40.. a great deal he said... marked off the ticket and I signed it was ok .. noting the total at the bottom of the ticket said $40 bucks.. shoved it in my purse.. paid for it at the cashier.. but guess what.. he only marked carpet cleaning on the actual ticket.. for $24... so what was the other $16 for to make the total $40?? Not one other thing was marked and they did not do anything other than the carpets.. The works was noted for free so it wasn't the lousy car wash they gave me that cost the extra $16... this guy lied to my face and I made him sign off on a slip that they would do the seats for free but I after looking the receipt over I realize this is an dishonest scam being pulled..