I love the dramas put on here I came the first time to see The real christmas story an they have live animals an I discovered my spirit animal is the camel lol It was an incredible show from the time you come in an sit down an get your snacks popcorn an bottled water 4 dollars not 20 like the movies lol We bought tickets for a show on new years an dinner was included so 30 for both great deal. It was the dinner Mystery theater we had a blast it the Stankin County something festival oh how we laughted . It was about who stole the pig who might win the prize at the county fair lol The food was okay it was Bbq an I come from a small town where Bbq is on every corner so im a snob on bbq sorry it was a bit spicy. Im a pulled pork vinegar base bbq girl :) now you may like it you gotta try the food once to make your decision :) Ill be back I see there is another mystery show something about a game show host is missing. Its a great christian atmosphere an good clean humor , great for kids. I know the show now is A love story set back in WW II times . Shows are all year long make sure you catch a show an support narroway an go to the christmas one excellent I was blown away:)