| - Without question, one of the best movie theaters to go to. It would have gotten 5 stars, but I had a recent bad experience. I went on a Wednesday to see "SAFE" with Jason Statham and there was no one at the booth to purchase a ticket from. I saw the guy helping another customer inside, which is fine, but he should not leave without having someone take over for him. I banged on the window several times and he just ignored me. So I went inside and interrupted his conversation and said, "There's no one at the window to buy tickets from." He apologized and immediately sold a ticket to me. Unfortunately he didn't have change and it took another 2-3 mins to get that. I was already running late and didn't want to miss the beginning of the film. Thankfully, they show a lot of trailers before it starts. By the time I got my food and went in, the last trailer was just finishing up. Otherwise the theater is the bomb, especially during the weekdays when all the kids are still in school. Wait time in the food line is minimal and I also get a front seat where I can put my feet up on the bars and recline. The popcorn is decent and you can put your own butter on it. It gives me a stomach ache if I eat to much of it though. I've tried hot dogs, french fries, pizza, etc.. and it's all pretty good, but way overpriced of course. Bathrooms are usually clean and the theaters are swept and cleaned after each show, so you're not stepping is sticky stuff when you go to sit down. Overall the best Harkins Theater I've been to expect maybe for the Harkins Capri in Scottsdale. Stay away from the Arizona Mills, Metro and Christown theaters. They are horrible and usually very overcrowded.
4/6/2016 - Update: One more thing I forgot to mention. At the Harkins Gateway Pavilions 18 on McDowell they have a "Child Center" where you can drop your little one there to play video games, board games, Legos, watch children shows, etc.. and have popcorn while you are in the movies. It only cost $6 (cheaper then a babysitter if you ask me) and it's in a secure room. There IS a bathroom in there as well, so the staff doesn't have to take your child outside of it to the other restrooms. My daughter has gone there about 5 times and she always tells us she had a great time. Best to go when there's a lot of people as there are more kids for your child to play with. We went to an afternoon matinee once and there were only 2 other kids there. When we got out of the movie, our daughter was in there by herself. The staff were there and playing with her though, but no other children. She still had fun though. Age of the kids are around 4-10 yrs old.