I dunno...I was expecting GREAT but it was just OK.
We ordered a reasonably priced Ceasar. WHY OH WHY was it mostly (very) watered down Clamato and if there was vodka, we sure didn't taste it. Bleh. I love my brunch Ceasars but this one was hard to finish.
Moving on.
My meal was NYC lox and scramble. When it arrived I was quite disappointed. The Nanook salmon had been sauteed into the eggs! If I had known that, I would never have ordered it.
I was expecting the nice fresh taste of smoked salmon and of course, didn't get that at all. The bagel was poppyseed (no choice of variety), cream cheese would have been a nice addition but not offered as part of the meal.
The home fries were delicious.
And service was good!