This is a horrible predatory bank, which primarily markets itself to people with less than perfect credit. When you open an account there they lay down certain rules and regulations to you that don't necessarily apply later on during your experience with them. Later on they send out blanket notifications changing these rules or they claim to, many of which I never had heard of.
. These Phantom changes can cause your account to become overdrawn and they will quickly jump on you with service charges that can sometimes move into the hundreds of dollars. In my opinion this is intentional. Their personnel and branch level management don't stay very long and this high turnover level can be a problem. Their knowledge of Bank policy tends to be very sketchy. They also tend to be very young and less than business-like and professional in their handling of customers and procedures. I do not recommend them to anyone. Find a solid reputable bank for this can have a very negative impact on your financial condition.