As a frequent eater of pho and spicy foods in general, I would advise to avoid. I had a good deal of intestinal difficulty after eating here - probably due to the (my fault, I ate it) congealed chili oil. The ph was gluton-ey and stuck to the bottom of my bowl. Bad experience overall due to that. The food generally tasted good while I was there, though the fish sauce was too sweet. The waitstaff was very attentive and asked me several times if I needed more water or sauce.
I got the Pho ga. By the end of the meal, we, collectively (two of us) had a mound of gristle 2" by 4". That said, the broth was *great* and probably as good as that from Pho Ha in Greensboro. The noodles are not so good. They stuck together at the bottom of the bowl.
All in all, if you want a good bowl of Pho, stick to Vietnam Palace on South Boulevard.