I had a coupon for free tanning for a week or 20% off a package. I never tan so I just wanted to use the free week before going to the beach for my anniversary. The young skinny girl at the counter was so passive aggressive when I told her I didn't want a package nor did I want lotion. She asked me at least ten times (seriously) if I wanted to buy lotion and I said no each time. The GM was standing beside her (checking someone in at the adjacent computer) the entire time this conversation took place so he was aware of how she was speaking to me. I would have walked out on the 10th time she asked if it weren't for the free coupon. She told me she would lose her job if I got burned and that I NEEDED lotion. (Lotions have 0 SPF). I did not buy lotion.
Anyways, I wish I would have left when she was so rude because when I got out of the tanning bed I hit my pinky toe on an old rusty doorstop that wasn't even functional because the tanning bed blocked to door from opening enough to actually hit the door stop. It totally gashed my toe open and when I came out I told the girl who checked me in. She barely made eye contact as she said "sorry" and continued gathering used towels and glasses. My toe was soaked in blood.
After calling corporate I was offered a free month long package by the GM who was very pleasant (hence the 2 stars, not 1). He said he would remove the doorstop immediately but I never checked to see if he did.
Anyways, if you go (but I wouldn't)... Watch your toes and be firm when you say no to a lotion or package... And be prepared to say no 157 times.