Remember when we were SO EXCITED about the new Harris Teeter? We had high expectations. Perhaps too high?
My issues:
1. The inside is just confusing. The layout doesn't make sense. It feels like they spent their whole time focusing on some retro design on the outside and ignoring the inside.
2. I am convinced that they spent too much money on this HT and that is why THIS IS SUCH AN EXPENSIVE HT. Seriously- the prices are not all the same at every HT.
3. So- we were really stoked about this HT because of the balcony. It looks so inviting from outside! However, it is not comfortable. I'm so confused why HT didn't make the upstairs area a little area where you can buy wine/beer. It seems perfect for a HT sub, a beer, wine and some cheeses on the balcony. That is not allowed though. I get wanting to keep "rift raft" out and not wanting it to be a "bar"- but you can still work with people
4. Have you seen those leaf parking spaces? I even drive a Prius and I couldn't figure it out. Apparently it is for high efficiency cars. THIS IS NOT A THING. No one follows it and it doesn't even make sense. It is awkward.
5. The Starbucks. It is located right by the stairs. If you do decide to go upstairs to drink your coffee on the balcony it can be awkward pushing people aside from the starbucks line (the building just doesn't flow right at all)