I used to be a fan of this location because it's the closest to where I live. However, the past few times I've been in here, I've needed assistance finding stuff and the staff would do the bare minimum to help. Most recently I went out of my way to get here in order to find something that they've always stocked this time of year (ever since they opened). It's on their site as well. Asking asking a staff member (all were too busy with organizing clothes on the racks to greet or assist customers) for help I was just told "Oh, we don't have them." No help, no suggestions, no offers of finding out of any other stores carry them. Just because the clothes here are on the less expensive side doesn't mean that the customer service should be. I left. Plunked myself down on the bench outside, ordered the exact products I wanted (along with the 20% off code - so cheaper with free shipping). Not sure if it's because I wasn't wearing full on makeup or dressed like the other Forest Hill moms that I see shopping here but I'm boycotting you St.Clair location. I'd rather take my business back to the Maple Leaf Gardens location or Forever 21. Buh bye!