| - Went in for ashley lip piercing on 1/30. Pierced by Kelly. Piercing went quick enough, 7/10 but I'm no good at pain. He told me that he didn't have any longer curved bars, or studs, or flatbacks and to come in tomorrow so he can change it out. I have a thick lip already & it began swelling immediately. I called the next day, when I got a hold of him, I came into the shop to talk about the issues with the short bar and the ball inside my mouth digging in. He gave me a bigger ball on the inside of my mouth, & told me that he would 'go shopping' for some long bars next day, 2/1. After a week and a half with no response, I texted him on the 10th, and received the same reply, still trying to get the bars. I'll have to rush deliver some jewelry that I found online since I can't find anyone who has longer bars in the city before my lip gets too infected. I understand that tattoo shops & great customer service are not synonymous with each other, but if you don't have the proper jewelry, perhaps don't do the piercing. Especially if you know that communication is going to be an issue. I don't feel appreciated as a customer when I come in telling the piercer that there's a problem it not get addressed at all. I'm sure regular piercings here totally fine, something where you don't have to come back, but if you're getting more complicated piercing, I would buy your own jewelry beforehand.