| - Target vs. Walmart
I like Target better than Walmart, anyway. I feel they may be a little pricier, but I feel better about my purchases and overall shopping experience. I think I go to both these places equally, Walmart more to get food, but neither too much.
Target always has the latest movies in stock, compared to Walmart always seems to be picked through by the time I get to them. Target has better selection of clothing, by clothing I mean wide beaters, white t's, socks and boxer briefs(not boxers).
Looking for furniture, they always have a better brand name selection and better quality. Walmart seems as if 70% of their furniture stock is stuff picked up along the highway and boxed up. In my experience anyways.
Targets seasonal selection, such as flip flops in Summer, towels, bathing suits. Winters boots, hats, socks, hoodies, all better than Walmart.
Even with Walmart having layaway back, I'll still be at Target the majority of the time.