This is a blanket criticism of your stores in Las Vegas located in Downtown Summerlin as well as Fashion Show Mall. (And the lady in line behind me said she has had the same issue at Meadows Mall).
Your system for checking out at the register is a massive disaster and needs to be looked at by someone with authority who will actually do something about it.
You set up merchandise stands to create would be lines and then one of the employees comes by and says to form only one line. Or, no employee says anything and several lines form again but there is an imbalance on the registers so one line goes much faster than the other.
Today the line at Downtown Summerlin was 20 deep in each line. There were 2 girls handling each line and then a third came to help which obviously shortened one line and kept the other the same. After 10 minutes of not even moving forward, we left about $300 worth of merchandise and walked out. My time is too valuable for this lack of service.
And, to add insult to injury, some of your employees working behind the register look like they've just been woken from a deep sleep. Blank stare, slow motion movements, totally not the image you should be portraying. Where are your store managers? Why aren't they dealing with this????
You have great merchandise and I've definitely dropped a pretty penny there over the years but I really think someone in Corporate needs to pay a visit and start shaking things up with your employees. With the volume that your stores can produce, it's time to get out of first gear and into fourth. You need managers who understand what a customer wants, not just the correctly fitted bra but a seamless and quick check out as well.