It is a thin line between love and hate.
This Starbucks has crossed that line with me.
I am no longer a faithful Starbucks customer; I would rather get my coffee from a convenience store.
My fellow coffee drinkers, you know S#!+ just got real!
In the morning I drink a hot dark roast and in the afternoon I drink an iced espresso. I like a little cream in my iced espresso and have never had a problem with my use of the communal half & half. On June 5, 2015, my half & half use was monitored by 2 baristas.
When I picked up the carafe of half & half, it was very close to being empty. I used all of the contents, which was about a quarter of an ounce. Coffee drinker etiquette dictates that the one who empties the half & half is the one that ensures it gets refilled for the next user. I politely took the carafe to the barista and he pointed me in the direction of the cashier. I handed the carafe to the cashier and told her that it was empty and I was told (rudely) that I must pay $.60 if I was going to use that much half & half.
I was dumbfounded.
No longer a Starbucks customer. Instantly.
Goodbye Starbucks. Your baritsas have been rude to me one too many times.