| - I'm a pretty positive guy, but this is getting out of hand!
1) Boarded the plane late because it arrived late to the airport.
2) Was stuck on the plane for two and a half hours on the runway while the airline refueled the plane, and decided if they were going to take off or not due to thunder storms.
3) Finally, the plane leaves Laguardia, but the pilot had to zig zag all over the place (to fly around the weather) making the flight twice as long as it should have been. Plus, it was a bumpy ride due to the inclement weather.
4) We arrive in Charlotte where I've missed my connecting flight because of the delays in Laguardia.
5) The pilot announces to the passengers that there are no hotels available in Charlotte because of all the various events going on in the city this weekend, and that US Airways will NOT be doing anything to accommodate the passengers now stuck at the air port.
6) Shortly after that, the U.S. Airway pilot goes on a long tangent to airport security on how he want one of the other passengers ARRESTED "if he so much as raises his voice" because he felt the guy was rude to him.
7) I get Starbucks coffee, but the guy messes up my order, so I had to get back in line and wait for them to remake my drink. They fix it, and now I'm off to try to find a spot to hunker down for the night in the airport terminal.
8) Airport security informs all the passengers stuck at the airport that we can't stay in any of the terminals, and that we have to go down to baggage claim and spend the night down there.
9) I find a spot in the baggage claim area, then spilled my STAR BUCKS coffee!!!!!!! This drove me to have a slight temper tantrum, but I recovered and decided to try to get some sleep as it was around 12am.
10) 12:12am, I began the process of being repeatedly waken up by the baggage claim buzzers as they started delivering luggage to passengers from other flights.
11) I find a spot under an escalator, and slept on the cold, hard, dirty airport floor. Worst sleep ever!!! I woke up like 30 times finally waking up the last time around 4am this morning.
12) I had to go through airport security AGAIN, because the airport officials made us all sleep in baggage claim instead of just letting us stay in the terminals.
14) I'm now waiting here, in Charlotte, waiting patiently for my plane to Birmingham to board..... AND THE AIRLINE ANNOUNCES THAT WE ARE NOW DELAYED DUE TO PLANE MAINTENANCE ISSUES!!!!!!