| - I really like going to this Sprouts' location and always leave with several bags of bulk items. Warning - never go there when you are hungry - too many temptations (if you like chocolate). As other reviewers have noted, I, too, had a problem with the checking out process. A couple of months ago, I stopped there on my break from work and didn't pay close attention to the cashier as both her and the bagger were talking to me. When I got home, after a 20 minute bus ride, I noticed that instead of charging me for the $2.99/lb peanuts, I was charged for organic pumpkin seeds at nearly $6/lb. I contacted management and she informed me that she would send me a gift card in the mail since I didn't have time to stop in the store to pick it up myself. It has been nearly 2 months and I have yet to receive this gift card. This won't stop me from going to this location, but after getting my name, address, and phone number (which she repeated to make sure it was correct), it would have been nice to be compensated for their mistake.