Now can check this location off the list! I took a client here for a clothing voucher unfortunately they did not find much in the men's section.
However I was tickled pink with what i found. Overall selection in the store is just ok, not awesome but awesome for me! It was not empty though they did have a reasonable amount of inventory.
Back to my scores: 6 adorable vintage Japanware mugs beige with double fingergrips 5$. 1 kelly green Calving Klein chiffon A line dress, its a size eight the only issue is it smushes my boobs but out well $8.99. 1 Free People purple and grey tank with beading detail $8.99. 1. vintage 80's or 60's full length black sequined indian style skirt, 100% silk $3.99, The skirt waistband is broken but I am going to make something out of it.
Store was very nice and clean and the staff helpful and courteous.
thrift factor 3/5
antique factor 1/5 --- not much to be had they had a huge selection of vintage leather jackets and coats though.
picked over factor 4/5 fair amount of stuff here.