SOOOOOO much fun!!!! We had a couch under the awning across from the Dj Booth and right next to the gambling tables!!! Perfect since we were gambling and Will I am was Dj'ing. We were seated next to two table of peeps in there 30's-40's and we all had a blast!!! This is not Rehab!! There was serious parting going on, including some slipping and sliding. The poles in the center of the pool brought out the inner stripper in a lot of girls who some how managed to have heels on up there??? The food and drinks were awesome and our server's Valerie and Will were so attentive!! We did not meet the minimum for our bed and she was able to quickly calculate the amount of shots required to meet our quota. again SO MUCH FUN!! I will definitely go back, you should too...unless your under 25 : )