There is nothing wrong with Ambrosia that a little competition would not fix. And by competition I do not mean for example Whole Foods, a public company that boasts about its target market being able to afford BMWs and trips to the Riviera. For those living in North Toronto, and hence cut off from the holistic culture downtown, the advantage is convenience and excellent selection. Many items are discounted but not all. The prices on their vitamins are uniformly too high and the smart shopper is advised to look elsewhere. And the culture is odd. Rules appear on signs with no warning, suggesting the store is run more like a fiefdom than a business. In the summer of 2013 items usually stocked "fresh" in their refrigerated section were, with no explanation OF ANY KIND, routinely being frozen. When needed they would be placed with the "fresh" goods and the BEST BY tags removed. Costco this aint.