| - I have been here and read about this place, and my review was deleted by Yelp for "violating terms," everything I wrote both times is truthful, and so I'm re-writing it:
Here are FACTS you should know about before you go to, or donate to SWCC yourself:
1. This place keeps in animals in VERY small cages and they suffer from "zoochosis" (animal insanity due to captivity) as shown in this ACTUAL SWCC video of an animal at SWCC:
2. This place keeps non-native, cold-weather, long-haired northern animals outdoors in the desert heat 24/7. If you think its hot outside, imagine it while wearing a fur June-july-August....outdoors.... all day...EVERY DAY!!!
3. This place has been listed by the RIPOFF REPORT as an animal cruelty facility and a full report is featured on their website.
4. They do help injured animals, but the majority of the animals they keep in cages are 100% healthy and could be released TOMORROW, but the selfish and greedy SWCC owners would rather keep them in cages, on display so they can collect your admission fees.
5. SWCC says their mission is "education" but every zoo on the planet also claims their mission is "education." It is not necessary to imprison these beautiful wild animals locked in small cages to learn about them.
6. ALL wild animals in zoos or "conservation centers" in cages should be FREE. They belong together in the wild not imprisoned in small, hot cages in the uninhabitable sonoran arizona dessert to entertain tourists under any circumstances.
7. SWCC says they are not a zoo, but there is little if any difference betwen this "conservation center" and a zoo. In fact the owner of SWCC stated publicly in a tv interview that she doesnt know the difference: