All it took was ONE of Ausra's clients to casually walk into my friends store for my group of girlfriends and myself to all now go to Ausra! Lol we are now all on the same cycle!
I've been to several other lash techs and the lashes, product and professionalism is no comparison to Ausra!
-She starts with 2 eye gel pads (yes.. I've been to techs who use one and switch for both eyes!)
-Uses Medicated glue.. (I don't know which brand!)
and for me her glue has been the best! I've been a couple times accidently wearing my contacts and felt no burning or discomfort! (I also have sensitive eyes)
-Takes half the time even for full set! (1 hour)
-As a true professional, let me know what will work on my lashes the best.
-Informs me how to clean them.. and this was another thing prior techs would fail at.
and beleive me... knowing how to properly clean them is SOO important..
I've had such bad results with prior techs who would tell me to just to clean with a oil-free wipe. -__- its way more than that!
I work 9-5 mon - fri and I know saturdays are probably so busy so i'm so grateful she can always accommodate my schedule during weekdays.
I always get compliments from people on the street about my lashes and its the best feeling because as a woman who spends money on countless girlie things that's my reward!