| - Ladies! If you are looking for THE place for consignment you must visit Sweet Repeats! For starters, you actually get two stores in one - there is one geared toward a more sophisticated or fancy look, and the next one is just two steps across the way, which is geared toward a younger, more playful style. You will find great selections in either one.
The stores are owned and operated by Jenny Burnett & Amy King, two of the most fabulous women I have seen in a long time. Each one mans a store, and they were both dressed to the nines in little black cocktail dresses and killer jewelry. And they were so much fun! With their southern accents: "Go ahead, honey! Take those items right there across the way and see what they've got over there! Lots more jewelry, and SHOES! You enjoy yourself!" I wanted to come back and have martinis with them. So sweet!
It did feel wierd stepping outside with an armful of designer dresses without having paid, but then you pop right in the other store and you are back in the game. Gorgeous designer sunglasses by DIOR for $150, deeply discounted Minolos, Fendi bags, Jenne Maac adn Chanel apparel - my head was spinning. And to top it all off, they had a huge sale going on with items 25-75% off. Go check it out!