Wow. Where do I start? Cosmin and the Kundalini teachings have changed my life. RYK is like an oasis in the desert. You will feel the amazing energy when you walk in. The people you will meet at RYK are pure and just being there is uplifting. If you are looking for shelter, for some place to go to recharge, to rebuild your body mind and soul, or to just enhance your life in any way, you really should try RYK. The Gong Bath Meditations are amazing. It's basically a very powerful sound therapy. It resets your body systems and turns off your mind so you can relax. It helps your sleep, your immune system, you will get calmer and stronger. Your relationships will get better. Your stress level will go down. And if you like the classes and feel inspired to put a little work into the process, you will find true happiness. I am not joking. I would not joke about such a serious thing as happiness :) Sat Nam.