Wow what an experience!!! Decided to purchase the tickets after reading all the great reviews. It was my bday so I wanted to try something new. Was really hoping it didn't suck cause I made my bf and friends but their tickets so I didn't want to disappoint. We attended on March 28 and we were so glad we went. There was 3 different buses to chose from and all 3 were a party in itself. Drinks are coming left and right, the music is popping and the people are just ready to party. Just girls be careful cause I completely ate S#*t! Everyone is so drunk and clumsy that the floor was soaked in alcohol and of course I had to be the one to slip. Lol whatever it was all good. Drais was my favorite club of the night. Tryst was like whatever but by then we were so drunk that we didn't even make it to the last club. Next time no pre-gaming for us because the party bus is the pregame!