I came to this Century theatre location to see Last Jedi having won tickets from my bank. I did not have much, if any, interaction with the staff of theatre since my tickets were already paid for and picked of from the bank staff. But I did get to see the lobby and sit in the theatre for a solid three hours. The popcorn smell in the lobby was that of slightly burnt popcorn which is unfortunate but it is the sitting for three hours part that got me. The seats, while comfortable at first, are leather and tend to get hot. After sitting through all the first look and commercials, the endless previews, and a 2.5 hour film, my back was so damned sweaty. It was awful. I prefer cloth seating. Also, the arm rests here are extra wide. So am I. I felt crowded. And that thats not the end of the story. The rows tend to be close to one another leaving little room for your feet. Even less room when the person in front of you leans back in these slightly reclining chairs. I had a difficult time moving my legs without kicking the chair of the lady in front of me. By the time the movie ended I could hardly even walk. My knee was too stiff. The Century Theatre at the South Point seems a decent place but does not have the most comfortable seating.