Talk about going downhill. We have been here several times before and the food was very good and a great option when you are downtown. That has all changed. The food was mediocre at best, and certainly not worth what was being charged. They clearly changed vendors or downgraded the quality of the beef they used because all of the steaks were terrible - tough, tasteless and despite being ordered at Medium came at shoe leather - so back they went. The worst part of the evening, however, was the atmosphere and the manger's refusal to tone down an extremely drunk and loud party of 3. I know, how can a party of 3 disrupt an entire restaurant? Vegas, baby! They did. I have been at super bowl sports bars that were less noisy. It is a small dining room, so one loud party allowed to do their thing will ruin (and did) the dining experience for everyone else - with the manager's blessing. We complained to her as we left, given our complaints to the waiter were only met with stares of there is nothing I can do. We will never be back. Take you money and go play MegaMillion. Your odds of having a good time are far better than throwing it away here.