Update: I periodically look up the reviews on this business because my experience there was straight out of a high pressure sell demo. Some customer reviews say "whats the big deal" its just lotion. The big deal is that the sales people are not cosmetologists or dermatologists and I suspect you could see a specialist for these prices. Additionally they position the stores in tourist areas, where they know people may have more $ for vacation. I was pulled in to the store in Maui after a beach day. No I truly am not interested in a facial product while I am on my Maui vacation.
(Lionesse)vWhoa. Pressure sales. Name droppers. Skin fillers. I basically did the "walk away" and they sold me 3 products for 150.00 included a hair wand. I went back the next day for more help on making my straight hair curl. They refused! And tried to sell me eye cream. It is evident that they don't care about maintaining relationships with the customer.
Women!!! We are all beautiful and work very hard so don't be manipulated out of thousands of dollars for snake oil.
Skin Care: they asked me what I used on my face/skin/hair. I said strivectin and coconut oil. The specialist had never heard of strivectin. Then he said coconut oil "is nothing and does nothing." Then they tried to sell me a product w/ avocado oil. Please let me pull an avocado off my mother's tree and slather it on my face and hair.
$$$: The product is probably wonderful, but it should be a crime to charge $800.00 for a topical lotion. Then they began to name drop, on celebrities that have dropped 15k on the product. Why would they use film industry folks as an example, well that's why celebrities often bankrupt and tax evade. I'm done.