A little competition for Grimaldi's . Not the best location within Town Square but ok by me.
We started with "coal roasted" chicken wings with grilled onions and foccacia - unusual combination - i liked it, the gf didn't - "too many burnt parts " i kinda like a nibble of charred flesh .
Ask about beer selection, the server goes down the list - not impressed, order a corona. Later i hear another server going down the list and i hear moretti and peroni - that pissed me off cuz i like the 'ol moretti bottle (beer is ok to ) - that old guy sippin' on a big 'ol mug of beer - that's gonna be me someday !
Anyways, gf gets a small specialty pizza - mozzarela, sliced tomato and basil - decent but the tomatoes didn't wow me.
I went with the basic sausage - for $14 i think they could've spared a few more sausage crumbs , but overall, not bad. With a California pizza kitchen in the Square, Anthony's having a limited menu and Lord only knws what they are paying in rent ! I wish them the best